Africa Resources Corporation Limited (ARC) is a South Sudan national company that is leading infrastructure development since 2019. It is charged with road constructions through the main outlets from Juba to other regions and states. ARC is also involved in the construction industry such as buildings, roads and bridges. It’s first project hit a great milestone connecting central Equatoria to Jonglei State in Bor town.
This road construction achievement did not just connect the two states but made transportation easy and provided access to communities who can travel for shorter hours compared to the days before the road was constructed. This has made it easier to access necessities such as medical assistance in better hospitals in Juba as well as other needs such as food markets, education facilities and many more. The local communities have been given opportunities to work in the road construction sites and markets to sell their goods allowing them to get paid wages to meet their daily needs.
The company has also created an extensive road network and weekend getaways to places like Terekeka that allow communities connect and interact with different people and cultures, experience the beautiful sights in the county and excitement to drive through good roads for little picnics out of town for just a few hours. We look forward to seeing better roads as the company continues with their constructions along the Greater Barel ghazal region.